Suhail, I believe -- with my limited knowledge of HTML and CSS -- that this is all you need to do (though, you may have noticed that the margins don't seem to work very well -- the text outside the sidebar ends too close to the box). Before trying it, do make sure you have a backup of your old template!
[Offtopic] Sirjee, is this all there is, to this side-box thingie ?
.sidebarRight {...}
.sidebarLeft {...}
"div class= sidebarRight Text here"
Would like to plagiarise this ?
(Ignoring the opening/closing tags, coz this comment box cribs)
Suhail, I believe -- with my limited knowledge of HTML and CSS -- that this is all you need to do (though, you may have noticed that the margins don't seem to work very well -- the text outside the sidebar ends too close to the box). Before trying it, do make sure you have a backup of your old template!