Saturday, August 04, 2012

Anant, The Interviewer

With the announcement of the discovery of Higgs-like boson, my colleagues at the Centre for High Energy Physics at IISc were approached by news organizations to offer their comments. Anant, who is also the Chairman of the Centre, has catalogued on his blog the media apparances (such as this one) by his colleagues and him. He has also written articles on this exciting discovery in Current Science and EPW

His most recent post has Anant in the role of an interviewer, conversing with Prof. Qaisar Shafi of the University of Delaware. A quick excerpt:

A-O:You have been very patient with all these questions. I would like to request you to help us wrap up with conversation with your thoughts for the future.

QS: I would like to end the conversation on an optimistic note: the discovery of the Higgs boson at the LHC is only the beginning of a new round of exciting discoveries in high energy physics. It would be extremely exciting if supersymmetry is found soon and one or more extra dimensions are discovered, dark matter is identified and the equation of state of dark energy is determined precisely. Furthermore, I very much hope that the Planck satellite would find gravity waves which would have remarkable consequences for the physics underlying the very early universe. It would mean, in particular, that the energy scale during observable inflation was of the order of the grand unified scale of 10^16 GeV. This would be a very beautiful link up between cosmology and high energy physics.


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