Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Intelligent theory of gravity

This is serious stuff. We now have a competing theory of gravity. Go read it! [Link via Pharyngula]


  1. maybe all scientists should take short sabbaticals and spend it on refuting these stuff!!!
    Why does all this make such an impression in the public space?? it due to a lack of vigour in science popularisation efforts?

  2. Hello Abhi and Aswin,
    I hope you DO know that the Onion is the finest source of satirical/parodical news & spoofs acknowledged by one and all, don't you? Your one line link, and pharungula's doubt makes me feel you got done in by the Onion guys :-)

    eg. Read this:
    Nukevahistan may have nuclear weapons.
    Iraqi cop moonlighting as terrorist just to make ends meet...

    Erase all doubts..and enjoy the Onion for what it is :D

  3. Oh!.. i didn't know that..but wait, "nukevahistan" is a creation at onion. But the intelligent gravity seems to be actually in practice. Even if the onion post was meant to be a fun one...that Rev. Gabriel Burdett in the photo is real right?


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