Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Truly priceless

Ravi Balakrishnan did a recent story in the Economic Times on the brand equity of "spiritual" gurus all across the globe. In a sidebar, he describes how savvy they are in marketing themselves; did you know, for example, that "Mata Amritanandamayi’s stores stock everything from DVDs and VHS tapes, priced between $15 and $27, to books, incense sticks and even unlikely items like ‘essential oil’ at $10, and Amma shower gel and body lotion at $9 each"?

But what really takes the cake is this wonderful gem that appears in the interview of Sri Sri Ravishankar in a second sidebar. The question is about how vital the celebrities such as Vijay Mallya are to his organization, and Sri Sri's answer is [emphasis added by me]:

Art of Living is like an ocean where everybody is welcome. We don’t excommunicate somebody just because they are rich and famous.

Priceless, isn't it?