Monday, May 02, 2005

Bloggers force a regime change ?

Here is another interesting piece of the blog puzzle. The New York Times reports (catch it before it goes behind NYTimes' awful pay-per-view firewall) that "a blog rebellion among scientists and engineers at Los Alamos [National Laboratory], the federal government's premier nuclear weapons laboratory, is threatening to end the tenure of its director, G. Peter Nanos". Here is an extract:

Many bloggers criticize his decision to shut down most of the laboratory in July, when he cited "egregious" safety and security violations after two computer disks with secret information were reported missing and an intern working with a laser suffered an eye injury. The security alarm turned out to be a clerical error - the disks, in fact, never existed. Still, Dr. Nanos kept many laboratory areas closed for nearly seven months, until late January."

Read the blog: LANL - The real story, that has moved Jeff Jarvis (who was quoted by the NYTimes story), to say this in his blog:

I was called and quoted on it, saying that this isn't really about blogs but about citizens empowered. Blogs happen to be the catalyst. The ethic of transparency is sweeping the land.