Sunday, March 02, 2014

Big Day at IISc

With the Open Day yesterday, our Institute opened its doors to science enthusiasts in and around Bangalore. Thousands of people (mostly kids who arrived in their school buses and vans) walked through our departments where our students put together exhibits, videos, demonstrations and live (and hands-on) experiments. This awesome annual event is organized around the birthdays of J.N. Tata (the 3rd of March) and C.V. Raman (the 28th of February) the birthday of J.N. Tata (the 3rd of March) and the anniversary of C.V. Raman's discovery of the Raman effect (the 28th of February) [sorry about that error -- I should have checked; thanks to ahannaasmi's for the comment-alert].

To get a flavour of what the day was like, here's a report in ToI: IISc unveils the magic of science. And another in the Deccan Herald: Rural folks flock IISc on 'Open Day'.


  1. I don't think 28th February is C V Raman's birthday. I think it is supposed to mark the day the Raman effect was first observed.

  2. @ahannaasmi: You are right -- I should have checked that before I wrote that.

    Thanks for this alert!

  3. Is this a new initiative ? I hope the IISc makes this an annual event.

  4. @vikramvgarg: I'm not very certain about historical details (;-), but I think there was a one-off in 1996 or 1997. It went into a deep limbo after that.

    It has been an annual event since it was resurrected in the late 2000s.


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