ChemBark: A Disturbing Note in a Recent SI File ["SI" stands for supporting information for a research paper available at the journal's website]. The disturbing note is this:
Emma, please insert NMR data here! where are they? and for this compound, just make up an elemental analysis ...
A part of the discussion is about the meaning of the phrase "just make up".
Charlie Stross: Snowden leaks: the real take-home.
Jag Bhalla: Is Economics More Like History Than Physics?
Scott Jaschik in Inside Higher Ed: Change at NYU: "New York University trustees sent out an e-mail Wednesday that officially said that John Sexton's presidency would end by 2016..." Much of Sexton's current troubles are specific to NYU's governance.
Sexton is also known for his bold experiments in opening NYU campuses abroad -- Abu Dhabi and Shanghai. These experiments in globalization of higher ed are worth following; it will be interesting to see if (and in what form) they survive his departure.
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