Prof. Pankaj Jalote, Director of IIIT-Delhi, has a study entitled ACM Survey of PhD Production in India in Computer Science. He also has a post highlighting his key findings and their implications.
Bottomline: About 125 PhDs graduated last year from Indian universities/institutions, and this number is likely to be about 250 in the year 2017-18. They face an excellent market for employment. A big surprise (at least for me): a large number of these PhDs -- 50 out of 125 -- are teaching in India.
I did a survey for IITM PhD (in all disciplines) for the 5 year period 2006 - 11. A total of 790 received the degree during this period and we could not get data on about 30% of the graduates. For the balance, the data showed that 17% were faculty at IIT / NIT type institutions (Tier 1, if we could call it that), 11% were faculty in other government institutions (the government engineering colleges), 21% were faculty in private institutions, 8% went (or went back) to government research labs (CSIR types) and PSUs, 22% found employment in the private sector, 4% went for post doc in India, 16% went for post doc abroad and 1% other. We are doing a bit more comprehensive survey now (mainly targeting the 30% I could not get data on), but this seems to be along similar lines as the CS survey.