Rahul Siddharthan's op-ed in The Hindu, The Real Questions from Kudankulam, drew a response from Atul Chokshi, a colleague in our Department. Rahul has posted his reply on his blog.
Subhra Priyadarshini has a good piece at the Nature India portal on research on social wasps being carried out in Prof. Raghavendra Gadagkar's group at IISc. Prof. Gadagkar is the author of articles with such cool titles as We Know that the Wasps 'Know' and A Subaltern View of Eusociality.
New Prof at the Academic Garden: Are You a Student? A hilarious story (with a pretty nifty twist in the tail), parts of which must be familiar with faculty members blessed with youthful looks.
Annie Zaidi: Smoke That! A column about issues raised by recent utterances of Justice Bhaktavatsala and Senior Advocate v. Shekhar [see also this recent post: Stuff Indian Government Says].
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
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ReplyDeleteIt seems to me that issues like nuclear power, GM food etc are technically complex with a constant stream of different views. I wonder whether groups of academics can form groups like the defunct 'The Other Half', do some background consulting first and then start discussions. Somewhere Rahul says that he would like to see some numbers. Those seem to me missing in the discussions.
P.S. One model of a report could be David Andow's on BT brinjal
Even though this report is by one person, I think he was part of a group of concerned scientists at one stage. So the discussions need not prevent authors from their own individual take on issues. Glenn Davis Stone has some fine reports on BT cotton and in the recent EPW has a metareport on the research methodologies of different groups. I have in mind reports of this kind. I am not sure whether Stone comes from a group but he did field work in Warangal over several years.