Sunday, December 04, 2011


  1. I have no idea about how great is as a company, but its ads are great!

  2. C.K. Lewis hates Twitter.

  3. Onion TV: Breaking News: Some Bullshit Happening Somewhere. Charlie Brooker's classic is still the best of this genre. Yes, we have seen both before.

1 comment:

  1. On #2, I am reminded of this superb line that Prof Ashok Joshi (IITB Aero) had said - "Just because there is a fruit available in the market, it doesn't mean you have to go and eat it".

    I am already beginning to feel the fatigue of moving to FB. There is hardly cultured content on it; the place is like a dumb thermodynamic cycle that just creates tons of heat and entropy by "liking" and "sharing", but does no work.


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