History has just been made by Current Science: The words 'blog' and 'blogger' make their first second appearance in its editorial pages! [Update: Thanks to Richa forsetting the record straight. She adds, "25 July editorial might be the first to have "blogs" in the title :)".]
... A few days ago, another departing student gave me a book with an eye catching title, ‘blog!’. The absence of capital letters and the exclamation mark in the title were all signs of a new age. While presenting me with the book my student added, for good measure, that it was time that I learnt to blog. Her message was simple and direct; the student attempting to educate the professor. Anyone with pretensions to writing for a general readership, she felt, would be well advised to blog, in the hope of attracting the increasing number of people who seem to flit from site to site on the internet. [...]
Not really! Professor you must take a look at this:
25 July editorial might be the first to have "blogs" in the title :)
Richa Malhotra
Thanks for giving link to this interesting article... Really, google and blogs have changed our lives a lot.