Sunday, May 15, 2011

Cram School for KG

The WTF story of the day is from the US:

Other tutoring companies like Sylvan have also moved into the prekindergarten market. But Kumon, a Japanese import that calls itself the world’s largest math and reading enrichment program, has pushed most aggressively, admitting students as young as 2. Those young students have become an increasingly important part of its business: Kumon grew by about 12 percent last year, to 250,000 students nationwide; Junior Kumon grew by more than 30 percent. In New York, where the company is colonizing storefronts like so many Starbucks, enrollment in Junior Kumon has tripled since it began opening centers in 2007.

“Age 3 is the sweet spot,” said Joseph Nativo, chief financial officer for Kumon North America. “But if they’re out of a diaper and can sit still with a Kumon instructor for 15 minutes, we will take them.”

I can still think of one thing that's missing in this already-awful story of parental paranoia.

A Jumon that prepares toddlers to get into the Kumon program!


  1. I have a business idea called "Abhimanyu". Anybody willing to fund it?

  2. @Prithwiraj: Let me go a step further, and offer you this story.

  3. @Prithwiraj: LOL! Good one!

    I didn't quite know who you were talking about until I googled the good professor. Yes, I agree: it's impossible to beat him at this game!


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