Sunday, April 10, 2011

Big Picture on World Cup-2011

Lots of nice pics; but the really wonderful ones feature the fans -- fans in slums, fans in shopping malls, fans on tractor trailers, fans with national-color tattoos, and fans who mix politics with sports. Surprising omission: fans who are management types.

Here's a pic (and another) on fans' utter disregard for the doctrine of church-sports separation:

Update: For more such pics, go to the real Big Picture blog at Boston Globe. [Thanks, Arun, for the comment-alert!]


  1. The one I remember most is of Abdul Razzaq after scoring the winninig runs(two fours against Australia, I think) tucking the bat under his arm and calmly walking off.

  2. This picture can also bring back the "ancient" atheist-believer debate: Did God make man in his own image, or was it the other way round? :-)

  3. Thanks. Another set of images, even more interesting ones

    These images are almost a sociological study of the nation.

    My favorite is picture 5: Muslim kids in Modiland. Thousand words or more, yes.

  4. @Swarup: I watched only some parts of the Pakistan-Australia match, so I missed Razzaq's display of stoic professionalism. Thanks.

    @Desi Babu: I thought that question was settled by the Hindus a long time ago!

    @Arun: Thanks for that link. Truly fabulous pics there! And I so agree with your comment about the enormous sociological content in these pics.

    I also just realized -- thanks to your comment -- that the stuff I called "Big Picture" is not the real one at, but a similar thing at the Atlantic.

  5. Arun, Modiland? What? You must be referring to that state in Western India, it's got a name. Gujarat.

  6. Abi said:

    @Desi Babu: I thought that question was settled by the Hindus a long time ago!

    @Abi: Was that accomplished by declaring the question a matter of personal philosophical taste?


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