The one at Antwerp is among the best of these events. My Belgian friends claimed that it was one of the first. I don't know about that, but I had heard of one at Grand Central (NY) long ago.
The sheer joie d'vivre that comes out in these events is exhilarating and must move even the most staid spirit. And for just a brief while it lifts one out of the sheer misery of our own hellish railway stations and bazaars. Our version of these public celebrations of the human spirit is an obstructive and noisy movie shoot of some crappy song-and-and sequence, blocking all traffic, including ambulances. Need more be said about where we are?
Thanks for giving us this link. I enjoyed it!
ReplyDeleteMagical moments Abi ... you made my day
ReplyDelete@Vetrimagal, @Rahul: Thanks! I'm glad you liked these videos as much as I did.
ReplyDelete@Rahul: Magical moments, indeed.
It's now linked from my blog.
ReplyDeleteThe one at Antwerp is among the best of these events. My Belgian friends claimed that it was one of the first. I don't know about that, but I had heard of one at Grand Central (NY) long ago.
ReplyDeleteThe sheer joie d'vivre that comes out in these events is exhilarating and must move even the most staid spirit. And for just a brief while it lifts one out of the sheer misery of our own hellish railway stations and bazaars. Our version of these public celebrations of the human spirit is an obstructive and noisy movie shoot of some crappy song-and-and sequence, blocking all traffic, including ambulances. Need more be said about where we are?