Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Attack on a professor in Kerala

Prof. T.J. Joseph was attacked by a bunch of thugs, allegedly because of a provocative question in his exam caused offence. In that barbaric attack, they chopped off the professor's right hand.

Police have arrested a couple of people belonging to a radical Islamist outfit.

The story is scary in itself; but Dilip poses some questions that are even scarier:

What I do not understand about the news:

  • Why the college management "apologised".

  • Why the Kerala government saw fit to issue "instruction" that the professor should be suspended.

  • Why the college followed the government's instruction and suspended him.

  • Why the police lodged a case against the professor.

Clearly "freedom of expression", especially its value in an educational institution, is a foreign phrase to all these people.

P.Z. Myers has a link-filled post on Atrocity in Kerala. See also Josh Newtonn's post: The chopped arm & the dissent of structure; and the editorial in Deccan Herald: Barbaric Act.

1 comment:

  1. It has something to do with the so called minority politics, which every political party (including the left) endorse in Kerala. The "freedom of expression of the Prof" was used as a weapon to attack him. He didnt get enough protection from the state, the collage and his community (because he was a leftist). But I must also add that his question was equally provocative. It involved a fictitious conversation between God and Prophet in which God calls the latter as a "son of a dog".


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