Using information unearthed under the RTI Act, The Telegraph's Charu Sudan Kasturi has been digging into IIMs' choice of Prometric for conducting the glitches-galore CAT-2009:
The picture that emerges is not pretty. I just want to highlight this from the third article:
Global testing service provider Prometric sweetened its bid proposal to the IIMs for the contract to computerise CAT with an offer to support a research chair — a matter unrelated to the examination.
The firm, which won the contract to conduct the computerised CAT for five years, made the offer in its final proposal to the IIMs, which swung the deal for Prometric and away from three other contenders.
The research chair at the IIMs would be named after Prometric and its parent firm, the US-based Educational Testing Services, says the firm’s proposal, accessed by The Telegraph from the B-schools through the Right to Information Act.
On the topic of sweeteners, here's a post about those offered by a textbook publisher to an American professor teaching a large class.
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