The figure is pretty high -- over 80 percent. This finding comes from a study of foreign students who graduated in 2002 and were still in the US in 2007.
Newly released data revealed that 62% of foreigners holding temporary visas who earned Ph.D.s in science and engineering at U.S. universities in 2002 were still in the U.S. in 2007, the latest year for which figures are available. Of those who graduated in 1997, 60% were still in the U.S. in 2007, according to the data compiled by the U.S. Energy Department's Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education for the National Science Foundation.
Well this not that bad (or high) considering one out of 5 indians returned, esp. since the data is for 2002 graduates when there were fewer options to make a career in India. I am sure it will be completely different data-sets for 2008 or 2009 graduates. Having graduated in 2008 from US i know almost half of my friends are going back, because there are more opportunities in India like, Dupont Knowledge Center Hyd, IBM, Microsoft, GM, GE etc..So i would love to see the data for the recent graduates.
ReplyDeleteIndia is rising boss. We are having better workforce...Current generation give a damn to US life style because you can have the same in India besides your frequent foreign trip. One more thing i would like to mention here, thats about the stock options in USA. I guess major earning source for the NRIs in USA was the stock options in Microsoft, Intel, GM GE etc which is not valid in the current economic situation. So its more attractive to get a 12 lacs job in India compared to the $100K job in usa with no worries abt Visa/GreenCard plus gr8 food+family+festival.
But how about the poison in the air, water and food? Petrol adulteration alone is a 40,000 crore business. Ripe papayas are full of "tumors" from hormone injections. Milk refuses to curdle because the chemicals kill off the yeast. AC and ceiling and PC fans are covered with grime within weeks of cleaning.
ReplyDelete@ anon above: LOL! what is a bizarre argument for not returning to India!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 4: I salute you too. This is for you. Just Google " Monsanto & Cancer Milk"
ReplyDeleteAnon 4 is telling us that Manmohan Singh is the worst citizen of India. Before that Atal Behari Vajpayee was the worst citizen. Also telling us that a president who pulls a nation in war because he is egoistic was its best citizen. Also telling us that the most corrupt society on earth is NOT USA - where I also live - in the state from where current President comes. The same state where the previous governor was booted from office for selling the President's seat, among others. The flagship University oif the state just fired its president and chancellor for admitting students into the university under presure. No, that is not corruption. That is virtue of the highest order. Bravo. My salute too.
ReplyDeleteThe trend in that interactive graph is unmistakable and encouraging: 91% staying in 2003 and 81% staying in 2007, a 10% drop in 4 years. Compare this to the chinese curve which is very flat (~92%). I hope the Indian trend continues. -SS.
ReplyDeleteThe grwing number of IITs needs these PhDs to come back here
ReplyDeleteThat corruption is alive and well in the USA is no reason to feel smug about the failed state and degenerate citizenry that is India. Did any of the salutory (sic.) anonymous folks cite USA as the epitome of human society? Can't find it, sorry. Extreme cases of merit or depravation do not define countries and societies, the typical or average cases do. MMS need not be the worst citizen. He is a puppet in the hands of forth-rate citizens (and erstwhile non-citizens). About time you folks grew out of autistic literal interpretation.
ReplyDeleteFailed state - you my friend have tight blinkers on. Your assertion that the Prime Minister is a puppet is what defines your level of understanding. We cannot hide behind the curtain that the average level of understanding is far different than yours. Whose interpretation is autistic (and why you consider autistics as untouchables) is beyond debate for a civil society, but then why are you here if you really hate everything to do with India?
ReplyDeleteHard to grace Anon #10's drivel with a response. 1. stop content-free invectives ("blinkers", "hide", "level of understanding") and actually engage in debate if you dare/care; 2. autistics are not untouchables, but normal people acting dumb may be; 3. the tired, tired, "love us or leave us" line, eh? I thought only lowly Americans did that, not lofty "mind over matter" Indians; 4. why is who here? Whatever gave you the impression that Anonymous #2, #4 or #9 are located in India? Or even that they are of Indian origin? Or that they are the same person?
ReplyDeleteIn the old days, there was a newsgroup called soc.culture.indian where complete degeneration would like to one writer `flaming' the other. Sadly it seems to me that the blogosphere is headed in the same direction, see comments above.
ReplyDeleteThere is a category of extremely insecure and wicked minded NRIs who wish to stay away from India. Not only do they never wish well of India, they actually hope that Indians be miserable in India. And they are unable to stand any praise of India, and think of such praise as personal provocation.
ReplyDeleteWhat gives them this authority to comment on things much greater than themselves? What is their education and their qualification that is so empty that it has taught them no caution? And the courage to be so wretched and viscious?
Why do Indians in India put up with these people? Why don't they just treat their talk as child-like blabber and dismiss or disqualify them, their talk and their beliefs? Why did anyone have to reply to anon 2, 4, 9, 11?
Kulkarni, truth is often vicious. 30 years back India and China were at par. Today, thanks only to the poor national character of Indians, their lack of discipline, and their utter disregard and contempt for merit, China is in a different league, with license to rebuke even the mighty USA. And btw, you might be surprised to know who 2, 4, 9. 11 are, and where they live, and what they do. I know.
ReplyDeleteSLEEPING PM................
ReplyDelete26/11- ????
Inflation- ????
J&K Terror- ????
Still SLEEPING...............................
Arunachal Pradesh to china - ????
Blasts in Metros- ????
Indians attacked in AUS - ????
Rs.34 crores for Kasab Pampering - ????
Suddenly PM WAKES up.............................
PAK players out of IPL- PM is UPSET