You are probably interested in the first thing that everyone focuses on — the ‘pay package.’ Fortunately, it is also the easiest to address.
Here’s the bottomline: IIXs are among the best in the public sector. They beat private academic institutions handily. With job security, autonomy, sabbaticals and the summer months off, they are competitive with private industry as well. With the option to consult for industry, you’ll have to wonder if a non-IIX job is even worth considering!
That's me arguing why, for the academically oriented folks, IIT faculty jobs are still the best in India. This piece appeared in the latest issue (pdf) of The Scholars' Avenue, IIT-KGP's campus newspaper.
Many thanks to A.V.N. Murthy (and his colleagues on editorial team) for asking me to put together my thoughts on the issue of IIT faculty salaries.
Great job Abi.That's a nice summary.
ReplyDeleteThere is a lot of discussion going on Prof. Giri's blog about payscale for IIX vs NITs. It would be nice if someone could compile a similar article indication pros and cons of being at NIT.
Very nice article. I just have one word for people who criticize these intituions and that is "Ingrate"
ReplyDeleteGrass is greener for the Professors!
ReplyDeleteThe grass may be greener on the other side, but that's of interest only to cows.
ReplyDeleteI didn't mention the other side, and I am surprised the cows have learned to read.
ReplyDeleteVery nicely written article Prof. Abi. As a prospective IIX faculty, I was very encouraged to read it. I wish the media people interviewed you during their 24 hour coverage of the IIT faculty protests, because I would have definitely felt more encouraged if you spoke about these things on national TV.
ReplyDeleteI noticed that you commented that consultancy pay for some faculty "dwarfs" the salary. Does that mean that it is possible to get as much as ones salary (if not more) as consultancy fees at an IIX?
ReplyDeleteHave a look at following blog to see how salaries of IIX is less than of NITs:
Anyone who has stayed for very long in IISc and can't get job in outside world will of course think that IISc salaries are wonderful. Get out in market get something or talk with young people then you will know the difference.
ReplyDeleteDear Abi,
ReplyDeleteMy name and the name of an organization in which I hold no position (AIIITFF) have been needlessly drawn here and tagged with an idiot label. I object to that. I would appreciate if you take corrective action, like warning the poster and/or deleting the post. Thanks.
"Anyone who has stayed for very long in IISc and can't get job in outside world will of course think that IISc salaries are wonderful. Get out in market get something or talk with young people then you will know the difference."
ReplyDeleteI agree completely. The current salary for a Ph.D in engineering from abroad + 15 years experience (same as professor in IIX) is Rs. 45-50 lakhs per year. In IIX, whatever you consult and go abroad, you can not make such money.
I dare you to delete any comment of mine without debate.
ReplyDeleteTell me why NIT professor should be paid more than IIT.
People like you and Sriram are the real cause of this praising IIT salaries and making us get lower than NIT
ReplyDeleteThe information you have provided in this blog is totally wrong and based on a withdrawn G.O from UGC.Please visit UGC web site.
The Lecturers with PhD at NITs are placed at 6000 AGP and are drawing a salary of around 31,000.
They are given only time bound promotion for the next 9 yeras and only then they are eligible for 9000 AGP,,,,
For detailed data you can refer GO issued by MHRD which is available in
Also for the withdrawn G.O, u can please refer