... of entrance exam -- the CET. Specifically, the admirable transparency of its operations.
Consider this from Mythili Bhusnurmath's column in the Economic Times:
... [S]tudents are allowed to carry back with them the question paper and a copy of their answer sheet. How? The CET, like the AIEEE and the CBSE medical entrance examination and other state common tests, is a multiple choice examination with students required to mark their answers on OMR (optical magnetic recording) sheets. Each OMR answer sheet has a carbon paper underneath that reproduces the choices marked by the student.
Subsequently the CET authority puts up the correct answers on its website. Students can check their answers themselves and arrive at their marks tally. They can then check this with the official mark list and rank list and if there are any discrepancies, can take it up with the CET authorities. This is no idle boast. In the past the CET authorities have, on occasion, drawn up a fresh merit list based on an amended mark-list.
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