These links come to us via the University World News.
Pervez Hoodbhoy on recent developments in Pakistan: How Greed Ruins Academia:
Each professor gets paid a few hundred thousand rupees (a few thousand dollars) per PhD produced, with a current maximum of 10 students per supervisor at the university.
Simon Schwartzman: Student Quotas in Brazil: The Policy Debate
In Turkey, 1.3 million students take the national entrance exam.
One of my labmates is from Turkey, and he studied from METU, Ankara. Sometime back we had an interesting discussion about entrance exams. 3 key points of difference emerged -
ReplyDelete1. Unlike IIT-JEE or even some of the state JEEs, almost no question in the Turkish entrance exams carries more than 2% (maybe the IIT-JEE pattern has changed these days? I dont know; I am referring to 1999-2000 era)
2. Unlike IIT-JEE, where very few students end up crossing 50% mark (< 1-1.5% at an estimate pre-2000), a fair number of students end up crossing 50% in the Turkish entrance. In fact the 50% limit for IIT is more like the 75-80% in the Turkish entrance exam as a guesstimate. In other words, the level of the question paper is not as hard.
3. Unlike India where there are multiple entrance exam, as far as i recall him saying, Turkey has a single large exam.
Another point of interest - both exams spawn coaching institutions, and he had in fact taken an year off to prepare for the entrance.
Of course, keep in mind, I have been out of sync with the JEE since I started undergrad in 2000, and it has been the same with him with their entrance exam