Academic Misconduct / Fraud:
- A 2004 article on chronic, serial plagiarizers and how "the system" treated them after their plagiarism was outed [via Crooked Timber]
- Inside HigherEd has a report on a JAMA paper that suggests "medical associations completely ban funding from industry, except for income from journal advertising and exhibit hall fees at conferences."
- Cheating goes global, as essay mills multiply [via Richard Holmes].
Psychology, Economics, Business:
- Jim Holt: Get Smart: a review of Richard Nisbett's Intelligence and How to Get It: Why Schools and Culture Count.
- Steve Ayan in Scientific American: How humor makes you friendlier, sexier.
- Sandra Aamodt and Sam Wang on The Wild Side: Computers vs. Brains. Also their earlier guest post: Mugged by our genes?
- Eide Neurolearning Blog: Brain of a blogger.
- Jonah Lehrer interviews Peter A. Ubel, professor of medicine and psychology at the University of Michigan, and author of Free Market Madness: Explaining the fiscal foolishness: Psychology and the Economy.
- Yochai Benkler at Edge: End of Universal Rationality.
- Paul Krugman: The Market Mystique.
- Kelley Holland in NYTimes: Is it time to retrain business schools?
- Joel Podolny at Harvard Business Review: How to fix business schools: Are business schools to blame? See also Bob Sutton's commentary on this post.
What good is such a list if there's no mystery link?
Oh, what the hell, here's another!
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