Just a quick post to tell you that I have started blogging at Materialia Indica, an India-centric group blog (and website) by and for materials scientists and engineers: academics, researchers, post-docs, graduate and undergraduate students in materials science and allied fields (minerals, metallurgy, ceramics, polymers ...). See the About page for details.
While a part of Materialia Indica is decidedly India-centric (announcements about conferences, job openings, awards and recognition, etc), there will be a lot in there -- journal club, recap of classic papers, teaching tips, etc -- that materials science folks everywhere should be able to relate to.
Materialia Indica is a group blog; I'm joining Guru (M.P. Gururajan, IIT-D) and Phani (G. Phanikumar, IIT-M) in starting this blog. That would make us co-founders; isn't that exciting? ;-)
The site has been in an about-to-be-launched mode for quite sometime; indeed, the earliest posts date back to October 2008. We have finally brought it to a stage where we are ready to announce its launch.
We are keen to keep the site open to contributions from materials researchers everywhere. We are mailing to a lot of people announcing the launch and asking them to join us. In the meantime, if you know someone who you think ought to be with us at Materialia Indica, please let us know through the contact form on the Contributors page.
Materialia Indica is an interesting new project for us, as it involves a bit of community-building. It's something that we have been talking about on and off for several years (we were always sure about its usefulness), and we are glad that we have finally got this project off the ground.
It's take-off time. This is going to be fun ...
Nice to see a India centric MSE blog. Looking forward to the posts over there.