Saturday, January 17, 2009

Links ...

  1. Churumuri posts a picture of a great Amul ad on the Satyam fraud: "it takes a slice of good butter to tell it like it is"

  2. From Hyderabad to Harvard: An excellent profile of Harvard social psychologist Mahzarin R. Banaji by Weiqi Zhang in The Harvard Crimson

  3. James Fallows: In case you were wondering, about that airplane in the Hudson (Update: Here's a follow-up); see also Survival Lessons from a Sinking Plane.

  4. Cory Doctorow: Writing in the age of distraction


  1. reg. the sinking of plane in hudson is a trivia - it occurred on the day bush was supposed to give his farewell speech and a day before mushraff's stanford speech. incidentally both being the main characters in an eventful decade surrounding 9/11; continuing on a long list of coincidencal events wrt Pak/US affairs if you catalogue the timeline of 9/11 tragedy.
    More here from the same author

  2. The full list of Amul ads is here -
    Open it when you're free. It'll take the whole day :)


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