Thursday, November 13, 2008

Nicely done ...

All the wet dreams of (American) liberals come true! But only in the fake NYTimes.

Very nicely done. Here's a story on some of the people who did it.

Hat tip: Inside HigherEd

* * *

Update: The NYTimes' coverage of this affair is here.

Here's another neat prank about a fake 'McCain campaign insider' who also doubled up as a fake 'senior fellow at Harding Institute' and who was responsible for spreading the rumour about Sarah Palin's not knowing Africa is, actually, a continent.


  1. Thanks for fake NYT Link.

    Although fake, but it is amazing and reflects common man's whishful thinking. Seems to be created with lots of afforts and imagination.

    Yogesh Upadhyaya
    New Jersey

  2. "who was responsible for spreading the rumour about Sarah Palin's not knowing Africa is, "

    Fox News does stand by its story that Palin did not know whether Africa was a country or continent. He just claimed falsely that he was the leaker but he was not. A woman who believes that fruit fly research is useless and that the world started 6000 years ago is very much capable of thinking Africa is a country.


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