Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Links ...

James Surowiecki: "Calling Toyota an innovative company may, at first glance, seem a bit odd. ... But if Toyota doesn’t look like an innovative company it’s only because our definition of innovation—cool new products and technological breakthroughs, by Steve Jobs-like visionaries—is far too narrow. Toyota’s innovations, by contrast, have focussed on process rather than on product, on the factory floor rather than on the showroom. That has made those innovations hard to see. But it hasn’t made them any less powerful."

Sunil Mukhi: "Let a hundred universities bloom... " This post extends the discussion in Rahul Basu's blog on the state of Indian science.

And, as usual, today's mystery link.


  1. The mystery link was cool! Thanks for sharing it :-)

  2. Rahul: Oops! Basu it is. Thanks for the alert.

    DhiOnlyOne: It is cool, isn't it?

  3. http://www.spectrum.ieee.org/may08/6178


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