Well, these links have been living as tabs in my Firefox browser for quite sometime now. It's time I freed them from their tabbed prisons. Here we go:
- Pascal Zachary in NYTimes: Corporate Labs Disappear. Academia Steps In. On the other hand, there was this Jennifer Washburn article in Discover magazine titled Science's Worst Enemy: Corporate Funding.
- David Dobbs in Scientific American: The Choke Factor: How Stereotypes Affect Performance.
- James Owen in National Geographic: "Skeleton of Giant" Is Internet Photo Hoax.
- Barbara Sahakian and Sharon Morein-Zamir in Nature: Professor's Little Helper; Janet Stemwedel's commentary on this piece has a more provocative title: The ethics of performance enhancing drugs in academe.
- Government is Good: An Unapologetic Defense of a Vital Institution, a web project of Douglas J. Amy, Professor of Politics at Mount Holyoke College.
That's all folks. I wish you and yours a very happy new year. See you all in 2008!
thanks for all the links, and happy new year!