Congratulations to Wayan Vota on this fantastic achievement!
Can you believe that your favorite independent source for news, information, commentary, and discussion of One Laptop Per Child "$100 laptop" is one year old this week?
Was it really just a year ago that we jumped onto the OLPC stage with the news of The Children's Machine 1 name change? Could we have grown from a handful of itinerant readers and three writers to over 1,500 decided daily viewers and a whole crew of contributors?
I am still in shock that OLPC News has propelled me into the blogging big leagues with this humble effort. Did I actually get on Radio Open Source with Christopher Lydon or 60 Minutes with Leslie Stall?
While we are on single-theme blogs, let me point you to another great one: Peter Suber's Open Access News.
Thanks for the note, Abi! And thanks for contributing to OLPC News' success .