Sunday, July 01, 2007

Karan Thapar: Women's courageous acts are frightening!

In his latest column, Karan Thapar talks about how three gutsy leaders -- Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan, Margaret Thatcher of Great Britain and Indira Gandhi of India -- seized the opportunity to show their opponents that they are made of sterner stuff.

But look at the way he frames these courageous acts:

Have you ever wondered why women in power can be so formidably impressive? Regardless of the correctness of their policies, they often display a steely determination, a cold, calculating, even ruthless belief in themselves. Faced with incredible odds they can be almost frighteningly courageous. On such occasions, men might waiver or reconsider, but not a woman.

Bold emphasis added.

1 comment:

  1. He didn't say the acts are frightening, he was referring to their demeanor.


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