Well, this story triggered all the bloggy excitement here and elsewhere. If you have sometime to kill, check out the readers' response, which leads off with the following mail from an IIT student:
I am a student of iit Delhi, poised to pass out next year. I am glad I secured a poor rank in the jee mains. That meant I get to study civil engineering, the most chilled-out department. This is because my department acknowledges there aren’t many good paying jobs in civil engineering. People in the computer science, mechanical and electronics departments are made to work like donkeys and expected to "match" their superior mental powers with sufficient "amount" of work. They are given 10 assignments (of appropriate difficulty; read as difficult) in a 14-week schedule in a semester other than the course load, along with 2 minor exams and a major exam, not to mention lab demos, 3-4 quizzes. Barring the assignment part, which I as a civil engineer get to do less of (5-6 in a semester), the rest is the same for all. What does one expect with this kind of load? As for coaching institutes, they are of the devil’s own making. Give them their due: cracking jee is not a joke; the papers in my time used to be so tough that the cut-off in maths for jee was below 10 on 60!
I do not know why JEE and IIT get so much of hype. As an also-ran (for the record I cleared it), I can tell you for sure that getting through JEE isn't that big a deal. The wrong crowd gets into those institutes now a days.
ReplyDeleteAt neutral forums (eg: < a href="http://www.adityabirlascholars.net/abgs_circle/batch.aspx?batchyear=2006#bits">The Aditya Birla Scohalrship<\a>), I have realized that uni-dimensional people enter the so called portals, and become even more uni-dimensional. I am so glad to be outside the hallowed portals.
And yeah any special reasons to be overtly obsessed with IITs?