Another instance of someone taking the trouble to file a request under the Right to Information Act. Great stuff. There is a lot else there, but here's the relevant part:
According to reports, Mashelkar has expressed the opinion that the ‘technical inaccuracy’ could have happened when the report was being ‘drafted by a sub-group’. However, in a reply to a RTI filed, the Ministry said, "There was no drafting sub-committee, which drafted the report." "Mashelkar claims that a sub-group drafted the report. Where is this mysterious sub-group and why have the names of the members of this sub-group not yet been revealed?" questions Kajal Bhardwaj, Head-Technical and Policy Unit, Lawyers Collective.
Yet another inexplicable point is regarding the record of meetings of the TEG. "A basic tenet of the functioning of any groups or commissions is that minutes are maintained of these meetings. For this group, no such records were kept by the Chairman and informal records are available only for the second, third and fourth meetings of the group," explains Bhardwaj. In a reply to a RTI filed, the Ministry states, "As regards copies of the minutes of all the meetings, it is informed that no formal record of discussion duly approved by Chairman and members of the group was kept by this department."
Hmm.. getting more and more curious by the day, this case.