Have you checked out the excellent group blog Law and Other Things? It has some contributors whose interests and ideological persuasions are, um ..., refreshingly different.
Their posts on contentious issues such as OBC reservation end up having very interesting discussions among the contributors. It's all polite and appropriately lawyerly, but it's also clear that there are deep differences of opinion about how much of the current law on OBC reservation (in centrally funded universities) is within our Constitution. For example, can the clause about the exclusion of creamy layer (which is mandated for employment) be dispensed with when it comes to higher education?
The blog is not just about the quota issue, however. For example, V. Venkatesan has a post examining critically the tenure of President Dr. Abdul Kalam, and has some interesting things to say about the constitutional propriety of his seeking a second term.
The writing there gets a little too lawyerly sometimes [for example, "how creamy layer criterion for the purpose of 16-4 could be different from that of 15(5)"]. It would be helpful if the contributors provide links (or short explanatory phrases) for such technical terms as Article 15(5).
Here is another legal blog by young supreme court lawyers that may not sound, um, so refreshing.