Thursday, January 18, 2007

Tamil Nadu bans corporal punishment

This is very good news:

After Goa and New Delhi, now Tamil Nadu has banned corporal punishment for school students.

Link via Shivam and Krish; both have links to earlier news that would explain their support for this ban. I'm glad this evil is gone from one more state.

1 comment:

  1. This is really good. Thanks to the government for bringing this into immediate effect.

    As a child, I always dreamt of a school environment that was friendlier and that helped my other talents (like music and sports) bloom naturally; a teacher who was a friend, full of creativity, humor and who could make learning more practical and fun.

    But then it wasn’t so…:). I have to admit that my performance at school, to a major extent, was driven by a fear…fear of punishments from teachers.

    The scenario has improved a lot today. There is better awareness among schools, teachers and parents about the need for a friendly, relaxed, fun filled, practical, functional learning environment for children.

    Vidya Ganesh


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