Saturday, January 13, 2007

National Knowledge Commission

The National Knowledge Commission has a new, improved website. More importantly, it now has a lot more information online. Following up on my letter to the Commission, it is my duty to express my appreciation of this good deed.

The site's design has also undergone a change, and I have not explored all of it. But for the present, I found -- quite easily, in fact -- what I needed: NKC's recommendations on higher education (its recommendations on all the topics can be accessed from this page). As of now, two documents are available: a seven-page letter to the Prime Minister dated 29 November 2006, and the accompanying note. I will comment on NKC's recommendations after I finish reading these two documents; it's going to take a while, though.

I was also looking for the report titled "2006 Report to the Nation" (summarized here), which was released by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh yesterday. I could not find an explicit mention of this report on the NKC site. I will keep looking for it.


  1. For the first time we have a website of the a govt entity that is truly of the age unlike those plain vanila html pages that NIC turns out

  2. Yes, Kuttan, you are right. Even the previous avatar of the NKC website was designed so poorly that it would appear badly messed up on Firefox. The current one is a lot cleaner, and a lot nicer. Even on Firefox!


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