Wednesday, November 22, 2006

NSSO Thick Survey: Social indicators

Here's a summary of the NSSO thick survey's figures for educational achievements for different groups of people. The key figures (taken from this ET story) must be read in this order: ST, SC, OBC and Others.

Literacy among 15+ years (in %): 44.6, 50.4, 59.4, 75.7

Higher secondary (in %): 2.9, 3.6, 4.9, 9.0

Graduate plus (in %): 1.9, 2.3, 3.7 and 11.1

% of 5-14 year olds in school: 87.1, 85.0, 88.1, 91.5

* * *

I'm tired of waiting for this slow trickle of information nuggets about the NSSO survey. Does anyone know how to get this survey's results online? From this source, I'm unable to get the reports; it keeps asking me to become a member, but refuses to take the information that I type in the form.

Any pointers/shortcuts will be greatly appeciated.


  1. I was able to set up an id and passwd and get the document. If you are using Firefox, try using IE. Ihad problems with Firefox but no problem with IE.


  2. Thanks, Chitta, for the pointer. I managed to set up my account on that site from IE; now I can download documents from that site to my heart's content. Thank you!


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