1. John Lennon's Imagine (short video, via Selva).
2. Neil deGrasse Tyson's kinship with the cosmos (short video on Nayagam's blog).
3. Hot experiments that produce cool data (via Guru):
The popcorn study is an example. We found that people ate more popcorn when we gave them bigger buckets. I’d originally done all that in a lab. So that’s great, that’s enough to get it published. But it’s not enough to make people go “hey, that’s cool.” I found a movie theatre that would let me do it. It became expensive because we needed to buy a lot of buckets of popcorn. Once you find out it happens in real theatres, people go “cool.” You can’t publish it in great journal because you can’t get 300 covariates; we published it in slightly less prestigious journal but it had much greater impact than a little lab study would have had.
4. The curious case of Ranjit Chandra (see Seth Roberts for the gory details):
In order to try and prop up his case, Chandra published a study by someone named Amrit Jain in Nutrition Research confirming his previous results. Amrit Jain was supposedly affiliated with the Medical Clinic and Nursing Home, Jaipur, India; however, this place appears to be completely fictional. It has never been referred to anywhere except in Amrit Jain's paper. Also, Amrit Jain's mailing address is not in India, but a Canadian post office box. When investigators attempted to contact Jain, they were unable to get a reply or even confirm his existence or credentials.
I liked the video of Lennon's `Give Peace a Chance' better. It has some scenes of places through which I walk frequently. And it got me interested in knowing more about what happened in the sixties in Berkeley!