Sunday, May 28, 2006

Bangalore University

It has been more than two months since we had a look at the Bangalore University. The new Vice-Chancellor has been chosen: Prof. H.A. Ranganath, formerly with the Zoology Department at the University of Mysore, now has this job.

Prof. Ranganath has a lot on his hands. I strongly feel he should put an end to this silly proposal I don't know if he wants to handle this new proposal to impose a dress code on its students, and to make the boys and girls sit in separate sections (within the same classroom). Does Bangalore University's Syndicate have Prof. D. Viswanathan (Vice-Chancellor of Chennai's Anna University, who has imposed similar rules in its colleges) as one of its members?


  1. Well... I don't know the exact details.... but one thing I can tell as a doctor is that I get to see a lot of unmarried college pregnancies....... And that is a sign of some thing seriously wrong with the present system....

    //long earrings, slogan-bearing T-shirts, mini skirts, shorts, tight clothes and short tops. St. Joseph's Pre-University College adds "trousers with many pockets" to the list. //

    I feel that long ear rings and trousers with many pockets are safe in the above list. slogan-bearing T-shirts, mini skirts, shorts, tight clothes and short tops are good for a party, but not to college. (My opinion)

  2. And it takes the UPSC (or KSPSC) to select intellectuals like these?


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