Kaps says:
Desi chick-lit [author] Kaavya Viswanathan has got herself into trouble.
Uh-oh. The Harvard Crimson has all the details.
Update: From the Crimson again:
Kaavya Viswanathan ’08 admitted yesterday to borrowing language from two books by Megan F. McCafferty, though the student novelist said that "any phrasing similarities between her works and mine were completely unintentional and unconscious."
I first thought it was crazy for her to get half a million dollar advance for a girly book.. but then when i learnt that there was many instances of plagiarism- I thought that this girl simply used another person's words/phrases- and still made the big money!!! Anybody can take an already best selling bookp copy passages-- What talent or lack of talent does she have? I think they should take back the money or atleast most of it ..9/10.. since most ppl only make $10-20k- and she made 25-50x more is ludicrous.. Surprised that her publisher is standing by her side-- If I was the publisher- I'd look stupid for standing by her side- offering half a million for plagarism!!!.. and movie rights too??.. maybe it should be split with mccafferty since many quotes came from that author.. Let's see if she sells anymore now- I think the publisher should repeal the 2 book contract.. since what she did was dishonest illegal!!! I think they're taking it easy since she's only 19 and in harvard.. but that's CRAZY.. U learn about plagiarism when you're 8 or so... Too many coincidences to be unintentional.. I didnt think she deserved half a million for a frivilous, girl novel- especially NOT afyter I learnt about the plagiarism!!! They should take back the money and the deal w/ that particular agency.. goodluck finidng another agency.. funny thing is- that she is getting more press- though bad press- still is press..dont know if sales will lessen, stay the same, or diminish.. but why read the words of someone else..?.. sure maybe she deserves another chance- but not the money nor deal this time...good luck convincing the masses about future books.. and goodluck with her professors in her harvard taught literature classes..!!!