Monday, March 06, 2006

Us and the US President

Red has compiled a bunch of wisecracks from the US talkshows about George W. Bush's recent visit to India. I wonder why most of them involve call centers. But, I think Red gets it exactly right when he says "Oh well, atleast they didn't mention elephants and snake charmers".


  1. Surely you must read Slashdot, right?

    ANY reference to India in any news item means there will be at least 3 up-modded comments making outsourcing/call-center 'jokes'.

    Goes with the territory, apparently...

  2. Hi Shrik: Yes, I do read slashdot, and I do see what you mean.

    BTW, Red has collected a few more of those jokes from the US stand-up comedians and talk-show hosts. Worth a re-visit!


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