Tuesday, March 21, 2006

A mutt-head's warped vision for women

A woman will prove to be a great asset to the nation by being a successful mother at home. Playing the role of a good host is important to women. I believe women can contribute more to the development of the nation by remaining at home than by becoming a Minister, bureaucrat, or manager.

These immortal words were uttered in a speech by Shivakumara Swamiji, the 99-year old seer of the Sri Siddaganga Math.


  1. Fortunately not many days left for him on this planet.

  2. Abi: You should read the "Hindu Dhrma" By late Chandrasekhara Sarawati of Kanchi (English Trans is avialable) . Then you will find much more than this!

  3. Abi, I hope these words were uttered in 200 BC? I dread to follow the link you have provided, so I won't, at least as of now :)

  4. Patrix, Pradeep, Mridula: Thanks for your comments. It's good to know that I am not alone in finding the mutt-head's views atrocious.

    Pradeep: I will look for the 'Hindu Dharma' one of these days. Like Mridula said, I dread reading it, though!

  5. The link that you provided doesnt say any more than the 4 lines that u have put. Since the seer is pretty old and since the original language is not English, there is a greater chance of miscommunication and quoting out of context.

    Moreover, the seer grew up in a different age where things were seen differently. For eg., those times, communism and socialism were ideals and so many of the ideas that they carried became absurd later. So, I feel, quoting a small line of a 100 year old person and concluding that he is chauvinist is unjust.


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