Blogging is the cover feature in the latest issue of CSI Communications, the monthly newsletter of the Computer Society of India, which claims that it is "the largest and most professionally managed association of and for IT professionals in India". I contributed a piece to this cover feature, which was published in the section on "sample opinions of bloggers", together wtih those by Kartik Kannan and Kishore.
Since CSI Communications is not available online [strange, isn't it?], I will reproduce my piece in three parts which are thematically different. The first part explores some metalphors for blogs: blogs as opinion pieces, blogs as backup brains, etc. In the second part, I hold forth on the state of Indian blogosphere, and in the third, I ruminate a bit about my own blogging journey.
The cover feature itslef has several fine articles:
- An academic paper titled "Blogging as a tool: innovative approaches to information access" by Jay Bhatt, Information Sciences Librarian, Drexel University.
- Susannah Gardner's survey article titled "Time to check: Are you using the right blogging tool?", reproduced from Online Journalism Review.
- Kiruba Shankar's article on "What makes a blog shine: 20 ways to make your blog [go] from good to great!", an expanded version of this post.
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