Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Google Zeitgeist - 2005

Check out this Google Zeitgeist page for the year 2005. It lists some of the most searched terms during the year in different categories. In the 'nature' category, the big ones are: tsunami, earth quake and hurricane.

Link via Google Blog.


  1. Hello,

    the second most popular search in is Ares which happens to be my last name. I guess that was not what they were looking for:-) But if you search for "pablo ares" and use the "I'm feeling lucky" button then you get to my home page....


  2. Hi Pablo, I didn't know you were so popular!

    But seriously, I didn't even know about the existence of a program called Ares. On the other hand, it seems to be a Window$ program; this fact probably explains my ignorance.


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