Monday, October 31, 2005

Scott Adams on the IITs, again

We all know that the Dilbert cartoon strip, created by Scott Adams (thanks to Kaps' comment for the pointer), has an Indian character called Asok, who is supposed to be from an IIT. Adams has made very good use of Asok to mock the stereotypes of IITans -- that they are all some form of superhumans -- created by the American media.

Sepia Mutiny has a different take on the latest from Scott Adams. [link via DesiPundit]

Reuben has the latest from Adams in his blog, the Zoo Station. And, it's absolutely hilarious.

Adams also did a series a couple of years ago -- that lasted a week or so -- with Asok as the centrepiece. That series was also pretty hilarious. I don't have the link to all the strips in that series, but I found -- through Mridula's blog -- this BBC story on it.

Scott Adams rocks!


  1. Scott Adams started blogging recently -

  2. Thanks, Kaps, for the pointer to Scott Adams' blog. I had a good time reading a few posts; his writing is fun, too! But his cartoon strip is better and, as he calls it, "punchier".

    I have now included this link in the main post; thanks, again.


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