Saturday, October 01, 2005

Hmm, really? Since when?

Place: just outside the school where our four year old (fyo) is studying.

He and I are on our way out, when he stops to show me what he coloured today in class.

Me: "Hey, that's a nice oval".

Fyo: "Ayyo, Appa, it's not an oval".

Me: "Oops, what *is* it?"

Fyo (proudly): "Don't you know? It's an ellipse!".


  1. wow! are you sure hez 4?

  2. he is technically better ;-)

  3. Niket: I guess there are multiple interpretations of the conversation and quite a few of them are funny. Why, I even agree with Ankur!

    The post was intended to highlight what is being peddled to kids at schools these days. Is it good? I don't know. But I sure found it funny when he said 'ellipse'!

    Thank you both for your comments!


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