Here is the first paragraph from this NYTimes story:
Robert J. Aumann and Thomas C. Schelling won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science yesterday for their work in game theory, which explains the choices that competitors make in situations that require strategic thinking.
The Prize in economics has already seen quite a bit of action in blogs. Tyler Cowen has a series of posts; the main one with a lot of personal anecdotes about Schelling is here. The others are here, here, and here. To me, these posts represent the best in blogging: combining news with both general and personal commentary.
Kieran Healy, a sociologist, presents an outsider's perspective.
I am sure there are (and will be) others. If you find anything interesting that you would like to share, please leave a comment. Thanks.
I do not have any anecdotes! But I just read the news articles that said that an Israeli and an American won the Economics nobel. Did not realize that it was Aumann. I have taken a course on Game Theory, and learned there that Aumann was the one who formalized the concept of Common Knowledge. The professor believed that he should have got a Nobel before Nash did.
ReplyDeleteHey, thanks, Vishnu! I have been reading up on things about Aumann. I haven't found anything worthwhile to link to, though; except for this ET piece which argues that "the Grand Priest of game theory Lloyd Shapley still remains unacknowledged".