Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Sir Tim Hunt: Part Deux

  1. "... [Yes], I made those remarks – which were inexcusable – but I made them in a totally jocular, ironic way. There was some polite applause and that was it, I thought. I thought everything was OK. No one accused me of being a sexist pig.”
    -- Sir Tim Hunt

  2. That assertion -- "I made them in a totally jocular, ironic way" -- is strongly disputed by Deborah Blum, who was there and who quized him about what he meant. [Update: She elaborates on those tweets in an essay at The Daily Beast.]

  3. Michael Eisen offers a different perspective on Hunt's self destruction, and it involves a previous event in Kashmir: Sympathy for the Devil?

  4. Geoffrey Pullum in CHE: 36 Words.

  5. #DistractinglySexy -- storified!

* * *

Update (2 July 2015): Connie St Louis in The Guardian: Stop defending Tim Hunt.


  1. The last comment in this interview which happened long before this incident is also quite revealing.

  2. Thanks, Abi, especially for pointing to no. 3.


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