Saturday, October 09, 2010

A quick housekeeping note

I have activated an "email notification" feature which sends you a daily update on new posts on this blog. See the "Info" section at the top of the side bar. [I use Google Reader to keep up with the blogs I follow, so I never felt the need for an e-mail alert system until a friend asked me for it.]

If you wish to subscribe via e-mail, follow these three steps:

  1. Enter your e-mail address in the text box.

  2. This opens a new browser window / tab, where you verify you are a human.

  3. An e-mail is now sent to the address you just provided; click on the link in that e-mail. That's it.

The e-mails themselves will be sent by FeedBurner (see the FAQs), a service that I have been using for several years for "burning" this blog's RSS feed.

That's all.


  1. Murthy A V N said...

    I suggest also add a facebook like/recommend option, if you don't mind Facebook intruding into your blog.

