Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Site stats bleg

Some of you might recall that I removed a couple of pieces of javascript code when this blog started being flagged as an 'attack site' sometime ago. Sitemeter was one of them. Since I like some of its functionality, I have switched it back on. Gingerly.

Do you think I should be worried? If Sitemeter is not a safe option, then what is? [I already have Google Analytics.]

Thank you in advance for any help, suggestion, warning...


  1. I don't know. I use www.statcounter.com and find it very good, maybe better than sitemeter. And my blog hasn't been flagged as an attack site. Ever. Honest.

  2. If you already have Google Analytics, I am not sure that you really need another package. But as Vinod said, use Statcounter. I used to like it in the good old days of blogging.

  3. Maybe this could explain the sitemeter malfunction.

    I use clustrmaps and it is a smooth ride so far..

  4. I use cqcounter and google analytics, and have been happy so far.

  5. Thanks for all your inputs, friends. I do have Google Analytics, but sometimes, I find the detailed stats on the 100 most recent visitors interesting and fascinating; I was so used to this feature at SiteMeter, that I really missed it. That's why I have re-installed it. I just hope it doesn't lead to any problems.


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