Tuesday, April 29, 2008


First, the mystery link, that I wish to dedicate to N. Ram and the Hindu... [Thanks to Vivek and Chris for the pointer]

Nicholas Bakalar: Memory training shown to turn up brain power.

Nobel laureates David Baltimore and Ahmed Zewail: We need a Science White House.

Plagiarism Chronicles: From (a) Poland: Priests threatened with jail for plagiarising sermons [from the internet], and (b) Australia: University chief lifted text from Wikipedia.


  1. Sir,

    I saw you at the coffee board today and really wanted to commend you on the excellent quality of your blog. What is really amazing is the fact that I dont have to crawl through all these blogs on www, and they're all conveniently summarised on your blog. Keep up the good work

    Best Regards

  2. Arjun: Thanks.

    Karpagam: Could you please send me an e-mail? [In any case, the answer to your question is no...] I'm deleting your off-topic comment.

  3. Wow! That is the coolest mystery link ever.


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