Sunday, May 06, 2007

Lungi ...

Been poking around Kamat's Potpourri, and discovered The Lungi Page. Here's a snippet from a poem from that page:

Ready for Cricket when I fold you in half,
Ready as rope when I twist you in pleats
ready as bed when I'm struck at fairs
you become a shawl when I forget to be modest.

The trousers are no good!

While on lungis, check out this undated (and timeless?!) dance video on Gawker's blog. And back on Kamat's site, there is a special page dedicated to Ancient Brassieres, and another one on Indian Loin Cloth.


  1. I remember that long ago BBC News decribed Jyoti Basu's dhoti as a sort of 'billowing diaper',

  2. not a bad description i must say, considering Basu's antics :P


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