Monday, December 25, 2006

For your amusement

AICTE's norms for infrastructure in engineering colleges offering a degree program. Here's a sample:

12.3.1 Number of Rooms for Theory Classes

The number of rooms required for the theory class can be determined by applying the following relationship.



NL = Number of rooms required for the lecture classes

TL = Total number of students in the College belonging to all classes of all disciplines attending theory classes of the given strength SL. This number depends on the admissions to different disciplines

Class strength i.e. the number of students in the class.

A = A factor obtained on the basis of

lecture hours per week per class, say 15

Average teaching hours per week say 30

utilisation factor of lecture rooms, say 0.66

A = (15)/(30*0.66)=0.75

12.3.2 Number of Rooms for Tutorial work


The following quote is from AICTE's staffing norms for engineering colleges:

8.3 Cadre distribution-flexibility

The desirable ratio for Professor, Assistant Professor, lecture could be 1:2:4 for each engineering department. However, for Undergraduate courses, a minimum of 1 Professor and 2 Asst. Professor/Readers at the senior level of the faculty for each course being offered may be ensured. This is to provide for situations where the institution may not be able to identify Programmes to ensure appropriate senior faculty at the U.G. level also.

As far as the Science and Humanities departments are concerned, there is need for a senior faculty member at Professor level provided it is ensured that such a senior faculty member is involved in inter-disciplinary activities in Applied Science and Mathematics. Therefore, while the need for a Professor will depend upon the level of academic activities, the recruitment of an Assistant Professor in each of the these departments even at the stage of establishment of the institution is required.

However, in either case efforts should be made to reach the desirable ratio.

8.4 Student Teacher ratio

The student staff ratio in a class will depend upon:

i.teacher's time required for formal instruction and contact hours

i. student time devoted to formal learning requiring teacher's contact and

iii. class size and type of instructions

The desirable student to teacher ratio for engineering degree program for the model curriculum will be 10:1. However, it should not be allowed to rise beyond 15:1.

Further, there should be continuous evaluation in tutorials, practical work, laboratory and project assignments.

Student-teacher ratio
Theory lecture class
Lab. Practical/Workshop/drawing
Project work

If you are in a particularly wicked mood (towards yourself!), you can read the entire set of regulations, starting from this page.


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